25th March, 2023
Renso Zwiers (1955-2023)
It is with great sadness that we have learned about the unexpected death of our Board Member, Renso Zwiers. Renso, aged 67, passed away peacefully on Saturday morning, 25 March, in Lausanne. Renso, former CEO of DSM Fertilizers and subsequently OCI Fertilizers, joined the Ameropa Holding Board of Directors in 2017. His experience and expertise were especially valuable in Azomures, where he introduced the Operational Excellence Strategy, and a new approach to health and safety. He facilitated the development of ‘Road Map 2025’ with detailed steps on how to make the plant more efficient and clean, while also introducing various management improvements. With his focus on the root problems, his independent views, and his industrial experience, Renso brought an important new element to the Board of Ameropa and made a decisive contribution not only to Azomures, but also to other areas of the Group. Renso was due to retire from our Board on 30 June of this year. He was healthy, full of life and a great sportsman. His death comes as a total surprise to his family, to whom we extend our heartfelt condolences. We shall remember him with gratitude and in high esteem.